Thursday, April 24, 2008

Atheism in Communist nations

The religious have a tendency to tout Stalin, Polpot and other communists as evidence that Atheism is evil and does more harm than religion. They look to the wrongs perpetrated by communist nations in general as a sign of the dangers of atheism. The problem with that reasoning, of course, is that the people of these nations are in no way atheists. These people do not just one day say “The communists have taken over, now we can stop pretending to be religious and show our atheism to the world!” No, their ability to practice their religion is a right that is stripped from them just like all their other rights.

See, Communism is like fascism in that it stresses a nationalist agenda above all else. The practicing of religion is banned because there should be nothing held in higher regard than the Homeland. As the Abrahamic God commanded that “Thou Shalt Not Worship False Idols,” He, Himself has been deemed a false idol in the eyes of Communist dictators who seek to establish complete control over their people. Worship none but the Homeland.

Let’s take a look at America’s stance on communism over the past 60 years, shall we?

Nearly the moment the Communists took control of Russia, we in America were Anti-Communist. We had a cold war with the USSR that lasted half a century. In the fifties, people’s lives and careers were ruined in Joe McCarthy’s communist witch-hunt. I’ve often wondered what the big deal was. It was, after all, membership in a political party. There was nothing illegal about belonging to a particular political party, was there? On continued our hatred of the “Ruskies.” We were determined to prove that democracy was better, that we could advance more. We developed the Nuke first, triggering a half-century-long arms race. We raced them to the moon. When a volley ball-sized satellite called Sputnik was launched into space by the Russians in 1957, we panicked. They got to space before us.

When the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, it was a great day for Democracy...Communism had been defeated! Hooray! But, wait...there were still over a billion communists! We had forgotten about China, a gigantic, powerful, populous nation...a communist nation...with Nukes! Surely, the cold war wasn’t over? We still had to protect the world from the 1/6th of the population that was still communist, right?

Apparently not.

It seems that our problem with Communism really only stretched as far as the Soviet Union. Why, though? Why, once the Soviet Union was dissolved, did we no longer seem to see Communism as such an ever-present threat? Because communists are not atheists.

I know that seems like shoddy logic, but allow me to explain. Russians were, prior to the Communists taking power, Christians. They had very devout orthodox and protestant churches. Stalin and his cronies saw the worship of God as a threat to their power--you cannot control the people if they answer to a higher power. So they took that higher power away from the people. The practice of religion was banned. Of course, these are people of faith. They worshipped in secret or at least within the confines of their minds. For proof of this, you need look no further than modern-day Russia. Putin has been systematically trying to control the practice of religion, shutting down protestant churches and creating the Russian Orthodox Church as the de facto official religion. These denominations began showing up very shortly after the fall of Communism. Did a nation of Atheists decide to find God because their political situation had changed? Was there something inherently Christian about Democracy? Well, that’s what the religious right would have you believe. The real answer, of course, is that the religion was always there. It never went away, it just went into hiding. When a political atmosphere arrived that would not persecute the religious, it was once again safe to practice religion publicly.

China is a different story. When China became a Communist nation, religion was similarly banned, suppressed and persecuted. But, on the whole, it was not Christianity being persecuted. It was Buddhism, Taoism, and Chinese Folk Religion. Those people are already going to Hell, so Communism is okay in that circumstance, see? Communism is bad when it stops Christians from worshipping the Christian God.

Of course, all throughout China, people still practice their religion, though they are “officially” atheist. To call a communist government atheist is like saying that, if America were to officially become a Christian nation, with Christianity mandated, that I would be a Christian. Not on your life.

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Anonymous said...

Samuel Skinner
Honestly I feel the Chinese have read Marx's work and when they got to how evil and exploitive capitalism was they said "you know... lets try that". I mean the government officially is behind religion because it pacifies- er.. promotes social harmony. Yeah- that is the ticket.

Shawn McBee said...

According to CIA stats, roughly 119 million people in China are illiterate. Maybe someone read them the Marxist Cliff's Notes.

Unknown said...

Great post. I'll be coming back.

Thanks for stopping by.

Shawn McBee said...

Glad to hear it, Larro. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on Ungodly Cynic as well.