Sunday, April 6, 2008

An Atheist Worshipped

See here.

Apparently, when Richard Dawkins walks on to the set of Doctor Who in the UK, the cast and crew fall all over him, practically worship at his feet. He’s revered: a hero.

There’s a lot more than that to the article above, only the beginning has much of anything to do with Dawkins, but I found it uplifting that such a celebrity of atheism can be so celebrated and loved. Of course, I also find it depressing. Because, of course, that worship happens in another country. Here, we can barely scrape together enough atheists to fill a coffee shop. It seems unlikely that the majority of any group of people who were not assembled because they were atheists would be very happy to see Professor Dawkins. I lament the fanatical religious atmosphere of these United states.

At least an atheist can get some respect somewhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let's face it, the american christian taliban will extinct us all (all 57 of us...), sooner if that crap, palin will become vice (which in fact she is...!) the evolution screwed us up big..we were much better of as apes, no ape ever tortured or burned another ape in the name of one of the most murderous imaginary entity ever invented in the universe by madmen...
"men are idolaters, and want something to look at and kiss, or throw themselves down before;they always did, they'll always do; and if you don't make it of wood, you must make it of words" oliver wendell holmes