Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Imagine there's no heaven...It's easy if you try.

I felt it fitting that I launch this blog with the words of John Lennon. “Imagine” was John’s hope for the future, a simple declaration of the ridiculously few steps it would take to bring us all together in peace and harmony. I think it’s very telling that he starts the song with “Imagine there’s no Heaven / It’s easy if you try / No Hell below us / Above us only sky.”

Those words are neither a condemnation of faith nor of religion. They only implore us to live our lives as if they were all we have; not in fear of Hell, not in anticipation of Heaven. In the next verse, he condemns religion (along with nationalism) as the chief causes of wars -- which is undoubtedly true.

Over the course of writing this blog, I intend to educate people about what atheism is really about, what kind of people are atheists, and why. I will also look at religious texts and the actions of the religious through the mindset of an Atheist (which is to say: through a critical mind, using reason as the basis for judgement). The common perception of atheists in America is woefully misguided, and I intend to set the record straight, sometimes with satire, as is my way.

I encourage questions and open dialogue. I expect, unfortunately, to get a certain amount of hate mail from those who profess to follow the teachings of Christ. This is regrettable, as my aims are civil discourse, but I will do my best to respond to all comments and criticisms. Even the laughably hypocritical.

That said, let’s get on with educating the masses.

1 comment:

jtrwallace said...

Let me just say I am here to help you educate the masses! Ignorant people are the biggest threat.